Sumantro Mukherjee
Sumantro Mukherjee's contributions

Introducing Toolbx
Debarshi Ray
This article provides a high level introduction to Toolbx, describing how it supports modern development and troubleshooting workflows on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Smart light with Arduino in Fedora / RHEL
Sumantro Mukherjee
The Internet of Things is a very new "thing" to us, but when we think of it, we've had access to the internet for a long period of time. We use "things" in day to day life that have been making our life easier for as long as we can remember. Let's take a common light bulb as an example. It consumes energy and produces light, which helps us everyday. Technology improvements have stripped down the consumption of resources to...

Fedora "update testing" with Bodhi
Sumantro Mukherjee
Before and after Fedora releases, there are updates that keep coming in to fix bugs or add minor features to packages included in Fedora. To ensure that these are stable and don't affect the performance of the existing system, we do "update testing". Once testing is complete, we share our results and make sure that the developer is aware about the bugs and the success rate of the package. This article will explain how to participate in update testing and...

Getting Started with Release Validation Testing in Fedora QA
Sumantro Mukherjee
Release validation testing is a process which takes place before the official Fedora release. (Fedora is the upstream, community project from which RHEL is built.) Before the Final (GA) release, we have Alpha and Beta pre-releases and at each of these milestones, nightly builds (nightlies) and composes are released and tested to ensure that the release meets quality standards. Release validation testing is one way you can help Fedora get better, and this post will talk about how you can...

Fedora Media Writer: The fastest way to create Live USB boot media
Sumantro Mukherjee
Use Fedora Media Writer to download and write your favorite Fedora flavor onto a USB drive, which can be used later to boot up any system.