Jason Marley

Jason Marley's contributions

Jenkins Pipeline Builds and A/B Deployments in CDK

Is Jenkins showing its age for modern CI/CD? What's next?

Jason Marley

Jenkins is great, and it has done a lot to make our lives easier. It seems like not so long ago when the idea of continuous integration tools was a daunting task. Jenkins came to the rescue, and I (and many others) use it a lot... A LOT. Given that my day to day work is in consulting, I'm constantly working in different development environments with different technologies - and a common thread among all those environments is Jenkins. It...

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Using STOMP for testing Red Hat Message Servers (Part 2 – A-MQ)

Jason Marley

Things on my plate have finally settled down so I can complete the second part of this blog. See Using STOMP for testing Red Hat Message Servers (Part 1 – HornetQ) . From downloading and starting the server I felt very confident in getting this to work quickly. I mean I had done the hard part already; writing the python script to produce/consume messages using STOMP. I was mistaken. Prior to working on this, I did several labs creating topics...

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Using STOMP for testing Red Hat Message Servers (Part 1 - HornetQ)

Jason Marley

On my latest engagement we were asked to setup and configure JBoss Fuse Service Works, which can either be configured with HornetQ (out of box) or ActiveMQ message servers. At the moment ActiveMQ requires the Karaf container and we couldn't convince ourselves it was right approach for this client. Anyhow, for Part 1, I wanted to focus on HornetQ and how easy it is to test your message server with STOMP (in part 2, I plan similar fun with ActiveMQ)...