Dodji Seketeli

Dodji is a Software Engineer, member of the Platform Tools Group, at Red Hat. He mainly hacks on low level ABI analysis tools these days.

Dodji Seketeli's contributions

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Comparing ABIs for Compatibility with libabigail - Part 2

Dodji Seketeli

In the first article of this series of two, we ran abidiff to compare the ABIs of the shared libraries from RHEL 6.5 and RHEL 7. In this article, we are going to analyze the resulting ABI change report that was emitted. Analyzing the results The report starts with a header that summarizes the ABI differences: Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 10 Changed (1260 filtered out), 112 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 3 Changed (72 filtered out)...

Challenges around ABI compatibility

Comparing ABIs for Compatibility with libabigail - Part 1

Dodji Seketeli

Introduction: The challenges around ABI compatibility Ensuring the forward compatibility of application binary interfaces (ABIs) exposed by native shared libraries has been a kind of black art for quite some time, due to many factors. The scope of the term ABI is quite broad, even when it is restricted to shared software libraries. It encompasses low-level concepts like the binary format, the processor instructions set used in the binary, the calling convention of the operating system on a given processor...