Alessandro Arrichiello

Solution Architect

Alessandro Arrichiello

Alessandro Arrichiello is a Solution Architect for Red Hat Inc. He has a passion for GNU/Linux systems, which began at age 14 and continues today. He worked with tools for automating Enterprise IT: configuration management and continuous integration through virtual platforms. He’s now working on distributed cloud environments involving SaaS, PaaS (OpenShift & Kubernetes), IaaS (OpenStack), IoT/Edge Computing and Automation.

Alessandro Arrichiello's contributions

Dev Spaces Ansible LP Featured image

Using Ansible for Kubernetes Data Collection and Reports

Alessandro Arrichiello

In this blog post, we will explore how Ansible, a powerful open-source automation tool, can streamline data collection from Kubernetes clusters and generate detailed reports for enhanced management and control.


From zero to Quarkus and Knative: The easy way

Alessandro Arrichiello

Get started with Quarkus and Knative in this step-by-step tutorial that provides a quick and easy way to start playing with these technologies.

OpenShift Operator

IoT edge development and deployment with containers through OpenShift: Part 1

Alessandro Arrichiello

Part 1 of a two-part series, explores techniques that enable the portability of containers across different environments.Through these techniques, you may be able to use the same language, framework, or tool used in your datacenter straight to the IoT edge, even with different CPU architectures.

Podman can now ease the transition to Kubernetes and CRI-O

Intro to Podman

Alessandro Arrichiello +1

Podman is an alternative to the Docker command-line interface that lets you run standalone, daemonless containers. See examples of how easy it is to use Podman.

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Customizing an OpenShift Ansible Playbook Bundle

Alessandro Arrichiello

Learn how to create an Ansible Playbook Bundle (APB) and customize it to configure an external remote host (through SSH), explore what goes on "under the hood," and get tips for troubleshooting APBs.

How to install Ansible Tower on Red Hat OpenShift

Understanding Ansible Tower Isolated Nodes

Alessandro Arrichiello

Learn how Ansible Tower Isolated nodes can be used to manage systems that are on restricted remote networks such as VPCs, and hosted environments