3scale |
https://3scale.github.io/ |
Middleware |
abrt |
https://abrt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ |
Development |
Aeolus Project |
http://aeolusproject.github.io/ |
Operations |
AeroGear |
https://aerogear.org/ |
Development |
aeshell |
http://aeshell.github.io/ |
Development |
anaconda |
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda |
Platform |
Ansible |
https://ansible.com |
@Ansible |
Operations |
Apache ActiveMQ |
https://activemq.apache.org/ |
Operations |
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis |
https://activemq.apache.org/artemis/ |
Operations |
Apache Camel |
https://camel.apache.org/ |
Development |
Apache CXF |
https://cxf.apache.org/ |
Operations |
Apache DeltaSpike |
https://deltaspike.apache.org/ |
Development |
Apache HTTP Server Project |
https://httpd.apache.org |
Operations |
Apache jUDDI |
https://juddi.apache.org |
Operations |
Apache Karaf |
https://karaf.apache.org/ |
Operations |
Apache ODE |
https://ode.apache.org |
Operations |
Apache Qpid |
https://qpid.apache.org/ |
Development |
Apache ServiceMix |
https://servicemix.apache.org/ |
Operations |
Apache Spark |
https://spark.apache.org/ |
Middleware |
Apache Tomcat |
https://tomcat.apache.org/ |
Development |
apiman |
https://www.apiman.io/ |
Middleware |
Arquillian |
http://arquillian.org |
Middleware |
Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence |
https://github.com/AICoE |
Organizations |
asciibinder |
https://asciibinder.net/ |
Documentation |
Augeas |
http://augeas.net/ |
Operations |
Avahi |
http://avahi.org/ |
Platform |
Avocado |
https://avocado-framework.github.io/ |
Development |
awestruct |
Development |
Beaker |
http://beaker-project.org |
Operations |
boom |
Platform |
Booth |
https://clusterlabs.org/ |
Operations |
buildah |
https://buildah.io/ |
Development |
Byteman |
http://byteman.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
Candlepin |
http://www.candlepinproject.org/ |
Operations |
casync |
Operations |
CEKit |
https://cekit.io/ |
Development |
CentOS CI |
Development |
CentOS Project |
https://www.centos.org/ |
Platform |
Ceph |
https://ceph.com/ |
Storage |
Ceylon |
https://ceylon-lang.org/ |
Development |
Charlotte |
https://github.com/redhat-infosec/charlotte |
Operations |
Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace |
https://criu.org |
@__criu__ |
Development |
chronicler |
Middleware |
Cinch |
https://redhatqe-cinch.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
Operations |
Citellus |
https://citellus.org |
Operations |
clufter |
https://pagure.io/clufter |
Operations |
https://www.redhat.com/en/open-source-stories/colab |
Organizations |
cobbler |
https://cobbler.github.io/ |
Operations |
cockpit-project |
http://cockpit-project.org/ |
Operations |
colord |
https://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord/ |
Platform |
containers/image |
Development |
containers/storage |
Development |
CoreOS |
https://coreos.com/ |
Operations |
Corosync |
https://corosync.github.io/corosync/ |
Operations |
https://www.crashub.org/ |
Platform |
crash |
https://crash-utility.github.io/ |
Development |
http://cri-o.io/ |
Operations |
Cygwin |
https://cygwin.com |
Platform |
darcy framework |
Middleware |
Dashbuilder |
http://dashbuilder.org |
Operations |
Data Grids for the Java Platform |
Middleware |
DBuildService |
Development |
dbus-broker |
https://github.com/bus1/dbus-broker/wiki |
Platform |
dbxtool |
https://github.com/rhboot/dbxtool |
Platform |
https://www.distributed-ci.io/ |
Development |
Debezium |
http://debezium.io/ |
Middleware |
dm-vdo |
Storage |
dmioscope |
Operations |
dmpy |
Development |
dogtagpki |
Operations |
Drools |
https://www.drools.org |
Middleware |
dumpet |
https://github.com/rhboot/dumpet |
Development |
Dynflow |
https://dynflow.github.io/ |
Operations |
Dynist Project |
http://www.dyninst.org/ |
Development |
Eclipse Che |
https://eclipse.org/che |
Development |
Eclipse Hono |
https://eclipse.org/hono |
Development |
Eclipse JKube |
https://www.eclipse.org/jkube/ |
Development |
Eclipse Theia |
https://www.theia-ide.org/ |
Development |
Eclipse Vert.x |
https://vertx.io |
Development |
Eclipse Web Tools Project |
https://www.eclipse.org/webtools/ |
Development |
efibootmgr |
https://github.com/rhboot/efibootmgr |
Platform |
efivar |
https://github.com/rhboot/efivar |
Platform |
EnMasse |
http://enmasse.io |
Operations |
Errai Framework |
http://erraiframework.org/ |
Development |
esbtools |
Middleware |
fabric8 |
http://fabric8.io/ |
Development |
Fedora Cloud SIG |
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud_SIG |
Organizations |
Fedora Developer Portal |
https://developer.fedoraproject.org/ |
Development |
Fedora Infrastructure |
https://apps.fedoraproject.org/ |
Organizations |
Fedora LiveCD Tools |
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraLiveCD |
Platform |
fedora-selinux |
Operations |
fedora-static-analysis |
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/StaticAnalysis |
Platform |
fedora-sysv |
Platform |
fence-agents |
https://clusterlabs.org/ |
Operations |
fence-virt |
https://clusterlabs.org/ |
Operations |
firewalld |
http://firewalld.org |
Platform |
Foreman Project |
https://theforeman.org |
Operations |
freeipa |
https://www.freeipa.org |
Operations |
fs-drift |
Storage |
fusor |
Operations |
fwupd |
Platform |
fwupdate |
Platform |
Gluetool |
https://gluetool.readthedocs.io |
Development |
Gluster.org |
https://www.gluster.org |
Storage |
hawtio |
http://hawt.io/ |
Middleware |
Heketi |
https://github.com/heketi/heketi/wiki |
Operations |
Hibernate |
http://hibernate.org |
Middleware |
hwdata |
Development |
IBus |
https://github.com/ibus/ibus/wiki |
Platform |
ImageFactory |
https://imgfac.org/ |
Platform |
Immutant |
http://immutant.org/ |
Development |
Infinispan |
http://www.infinispan.org |
Middleware |
IronJacamar |
http://www.ironjacamar.org/ |
Development |
Jaeger |
http://jaegertracing.io/ |
Development |
JBeret |
Development |
JBoss CapeDwarf |
http://capedwarf.org/ |
Middleware |
JBoss Community |
https://developer.jboss.org/en/website |
Middleware |
JBoss Demo Central |
Organizations |
JBoss Developer |
https://developer.jboss.org/welcome |
Middleware |
JBoss Developer Studio |
https://developer.jboss.org/welcome |
Middleware |
JBoss Forge |
http://forge.jboss.org |
Middleware |
JBoss Logging |
Middleware |
JBoss LogManager |
Middleware |
JBoss Remoting |
http://jbossremoting.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
JBoss Tools |
https://tools.jboss.org/ |
Development |
JBoss Web Services |
http://jbossws.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
jboss-logging |
http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.3/topical/html/logging/Logging.html |
Middleware |
jBPM |
https://www.jbpm.org |
Middleware |
Jcliff |
Middleware |
JGroups |
http://jgroups.org |
Operations |
JReadline |
Middleware |
JRuby |
Development |
JSFUnit |
https://jsfunit.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
Juicer |
https://juicer.github.io/juicer/ |
Operations |
Katello Project |
http://www.katello.org |
Operations |
http://www.kde.org |
Platform |
keycloak |
https://www.keycloak.org |
Middleware |
Keylime |
https://keylime.github.io/ |
Operations |
Kiali |
https://www.kiali.io/ |
Middleware |
kimchi-project |
Operations |
Knative |
https://knative.dev/ |
Development |
kpatch |
Development |
krb5 |
http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/ |
Operations |
Kronosnet |
https://www.kronosnet.org/ |
Operations |
Kubernetes |
https://kubernetes.io/ |
Development |
KubeVirt |
https://kubevirt.github.io |
Development |
Lago |
http://lago.readthedocs.org/ |
Development |
latchset |
https://latchset.github.io/ |
Operations |
https://oamg.github.io/leapp/ |
Platform |
libguestfs |
http://libguestfs.org/ |
Operations |
libpod |
Development |
libqb |
https://clusterlabs.github.io/libqb/ |
Operations |
Libre Server |
https://libre-server.github.io/ |
Operations |
LibreOffice |
https://libreoffice.org/ |
Platform |
LibStorageMgmt |
https://libstorage.github.io/libstoragemgmt-doc/ |
Storage |
libvirt |
https://libvirt.org/ |
Operations |
Lightblue Platform |
https://www.lightblue.io/ |
Development |
Linchpin |
https://linchpin.readthedocs.io/en/develop/ |
Operations |
Linux |
https://kernel.org |
Platform |
Linux Audit Project |
https://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/audit/ |
Development |
linux-system-roles |
https://linux-system-roles.github.io |
Operations |
Maistra |
http://maistra.io |
Middleware |
ManageIQ |
https://manageiq.org |
@manageiq |
Operations |
ManageIQ-Exchange |
https://manageiq-exchange.github.io/manageiq-exchange/ |
Development |
Minishift |
https://www.openshift.org/minishift/ |
Development |
Moby Project |
https://mobyproject.org/ |
Operations |
Mock |
https://github.com/rpm-software-management/mock/wiki |
Platform |
ModeShape |
http://modeshape.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
mod_auth_gssapi |
Operations |
mod_cluster |
Middleware |
monarch |
Operations |
Narayana |
https://narayana.io/ |
Middleware |
navmazing |
Development |
NET Core |
https://www.microsoft.com/net |
Development |
Netty |
http://netty.io/ |
Middleware |
Nexus |
https://github.com/valleedelisle/nexus |
Operations |
nfs-ganesha |
https://nfs-ganesha.github.io/ |
Operations |
Obsidian Toaster |
Operations |
OCF-spec |
https://clusterlabs.org/ |
Operations |
http://www.okd.io |
Operations |
The Open Organization Project |
https://open-organization.github.io |
Organizations |
Open Practice Library |
https://openpracticelibrary.com |
Organizations |
Open Source and Standards |
https://community.redhat.com |
Organizations |
The Open Source Way |
https://theopensourceway.org |
Organizations |
Open vSwitch |
https://www.openvswitch.org |
Platform |
OpenDaylight |
https://www.opendaylight.org/ |
Operations |
OpenSCAP |
https://www.open-scap.org |
Operations |
OpenShift.io |
https://openshift.io/ |
Development |
OpenTracing |
http://opentracing.io/ |
Development |
ophicleide |
https://ophicleide.github.io/ |
Operations |
OptaPlanner |
https://www.optaplanner.org |
Middleware |
OSTree Project |
https://ostree.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
Operations |
oVirt |
https://ovirt.org |
Operations |
Oz |
https://github.com/clalancette/oz/wiki |
Operations |
Pacemaker |
https://clusterlabs.org/ |
Operations |
PackageKit |
https://www.freedesktop.org/software/PackageKit/ |
Development |
patchutils |
http://cyberelk.net/tim/software/patchutils/ |
Development |
Patternfly |
https://www.patternfly.org |
Development |
Pbench |
https://distributed-system-analysis.github.io/pbench/ |
Middleware |
pcs |
https://clusterlabs.org/ |
Operations |
Performance Co-Pilot |
http://pcp.io/ |
Operations |
pesign |
https://github.com/rhboot/pesign |
Platform |
PicketBox |
https://picketbox.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
PicketLink |
http://picketlink.org/ |
Development |
Podman |
https://podman.io/ |
Development |
PressGang |
https://pressgang.jboss.org/ |
Documentation |
preupgrade-assistant |
Platform |
Project Atomic |
https://www.projectatomic.io/ |
Operations |
Project QUAY |
https://projectquay.io/ |
Operations |
Project Springfield |
https://springfield-project.github.io/ |
Storage |
Prometheus |
https://prometheus.io/ |
Operations |
pulp |
https://pulpproject.org |
Operations |
Pulp QE |
http://pulpproject.org |
Organizations |
Python |
https://www.python.org/ |
Development |
Python GSSAPI |
https://github.com/pythongssapi |
Development |
python-hwdata |
Development |
pyudev |
Development |
https://qemu.org/ |
Operations |
Quarkus |
https://quarkus.io |
Middleware |
radanalyticsio |
https://radanalytics.io/ |
Development |
RadarGun |
http://radargun.github.io/ |
Development |
rdo-infra |
https://rdoproject.org |
Organizations |
rebase-helper |
https://rebase-helper.readthedocs.io |
Platform |
Red Hat CodeReady Studio |
https://developers.redhat.com/products/codeready-studio/overview/ |
Development |
Red Hat Consulting |
https://www.redhat.com/en/services/consulting |
Organizations |
Red Hat Demo Central |
Organizations |
Red Hat Documentation |
https://redhat-documentation.github.io/ |
Documentation |
Red Hat Fuse Tooling |
https://tools.jboss.org/features/fusetools.html |
Development |
Red Hat Inception |
https://release-engine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
Organizations |
Red Hat Insights |
https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/management/insights |
Operations |
Red Hat IoT |
Organizations |
Red Hat Middleware Node.js |
https://nodeshift.dev/ |
Development |
Red Hat Open Innovation Labs |
https://www.redhat.com/en/services/consulting/open-innovation-labs |
Organizations |
Red Hat Product Security |
https://access.redhat.com/security/overview |
@RedHatSecurity |
Organizations |
Red Hat QE Security |
Platform |
Red Hat Update Agent |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up2date |
Platform |
redhat-openstack |
https://www.rdoproject.org/ |
Operations |
redhat-upgrade-tool |
Platform |
redhatanalytics |
Operations |
resource-agents |
https://clusterlabs.org/ |
Operations |
RESTEasy |
http://resteasy.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
rh-messaging |
Development |
RHElements |
https://rhelements.github.io/ |
Development |
Rhiot |
https://rhiot.github.io/ |
Middleware |
https://rhq-project.github.io/rhq/ |
Middleware |
RichFaces |
http://richfaces.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
riftsaw |
https://riftsaw.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
Rook |
https://rook.io/ |
Storage |
RPM Package Manager |
http://rpm.org/ |
Platform |
RPM Packaging Guide |
https://rpm-packaging-guide.github.io/ |
Documentation |
Rsyslog |
http://www.rsyslog.com/ |
Platform |
sarstats |
https://github.com/mbaldessari/sarstats |
Operations |
http://savara.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
https://clusterlabs.org/ |
Operations |
Scribble |
http://www.scribble.org |
Middleware |
Seam |
http://seamframework.org/ |
Middleware |
SELinux Project |
http://selinuxproject.org/ |
Operations |
Sentaku |
Development |
shim |
https://github.com/rhboot/shim |
Platform |
ShrinkWrap |
http://arquillian.org/ |
Middleware |
Simple Signed Certificate Generator |
https://github.com/sgallagher/sscg |
Platform |
Skopeo |
Operations |
skyrings |
Storage |
slapi-nis |
Operations |
Smallfile |
Storage |
Snowdrop |
http://snowdrop.me/ |
Middleware |
Software Collections |
https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/ |
Operations |
Solenopsis |
http://solenopsis.org/Solenopsis/ |
Development |
sosreport |
Operations |
Spacewalk |
https://spacewalkproject.github.io/ |
Operations |
Spice |
https://www.spice-space.org/ |
Operations |
splice |
Operations |
https://system-storage-manager.github.io/ |
Storage |
Stilts |
http://stilts.projectodd.org |
Operations |
Storaged Project |
http://storaged.org/ |
Storage |
Strimzi |
http://strimzi.io/ |
Middleware |
SWI-Prolog |
http://www.swi-prolog.org |
Development |
SwitchYard |
https://switchyard.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
Syndesis |
https://syndesis.io/ |
Middleware |
syslog-ng |
https://syslog-ng.com/open-source-log-management |
Platform |
System Security Services Daemon |
https://pagure.io/sssd |
Platform |
systemd |
https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ |
Platform |
Tattletale |
https://tattletale.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
Teiid |
https://teiid.io/ |
Middleware |
Tendrl |
http://tendrl.org/ |
Storage |
TianoCore |
https://www.tianocore.org/ |
Development |
ticketutil |
http://ticketutil.readthedocs.io/ |
Operations |
tito |
Platform |
tlsfuzzer |
Platform |
TorqueBox Project |
http://torquebox.org |
Operations |
Transtats |
http://transtats.org |
Operations |
Tuned |
http://www.tuned-project.org/ |
Platform |
udisks |
http://storaged.org/doc/udisks2-api/latest/ |
Platform |
util-linux |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Util-linux |
Platform |
varlink |
https://github.com/varlink/documentation/wiki |
Platform |
virt-manager |
https://virt-manager.org/ |
Operations |
VMaaS |
https://github.com/RedHatInsights/vmaas/wiki |
Operations |
wait_for |
Development |
Weld |
http://weld.cdi-spec.org/ |
Middleware |
widgetastic |
Development |
widgetastic.patternfly |
Development |
WildFly |
http://wildfly.org |
Middleware |
WildFly Elytron |
http://wildfly.org |
Middleware |
WildFly Swarm |
http://wildfly-swarm.io/ |
Middleware |
Windup |
https://developers.redhat.com/products/rhamt/overview/ |
Middleware |
Wise |
http://wise.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
wrapanapi |
Development |
https://xnio.jboss.org/ |
Middleware |
xsos |
Operations |
Zanata |
http://zanata.org/ |
Documentation |