
.NET Core

Building .NET Core container images using S2I

Tom Deseyn

This article describes how to build .NET Core container images using source-to-image (S2I). The container images can be built directly from a git repository, from local sources, or from a pre-built application on, which can be useful on your development machine or as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

Configuring mKahaDB persistence storage for ActiveMQ

Flexible Images or Using S2I for Image Configuration

Eliska Slobodova

Container images usually come with pre-defined tools or services with minimal or limited possibilities of further configuration. This brought us into a way of thinking of how to provide images that contain reasonable default settings but are, at the same time, easy to extend. And to make it more fun, this would be possible to achieve both on a single Linux host and in an orchestrated OpenShift environment. Source-to-image (S2I) has been introduced three years ago to allow developers to...

Container Images for OpenShift

Container Images for OpenShift - Part 1: Objectives

Frédéric Giloux

Container Images for OpenShift - Part 1: This is a transcript of a session I gave at EMEA Red Hat Tech Exchange 2017, a gathering of all Red Hat solution architects and consultants across EMEA. It is

A Practical Introduction to Docker Container Terminology

Container Images Compliance - what we built at ManageIQ to remove a security pain point - part 2

Mooli Tayer

Part 2 of 2 In part one of this blog post, we mentioned a pain point in Container based environments. We introduced SCAP as a means to measure compliance in computer systems and introduced ManageIQ as a means of automating Cloud & Container based workflows. Tutorial: Using the OpenSCAP integration in ManageIQ In ManageIQ we have been working on leveraging OpenSCAP to show container images that infringe known vulnerabilities based on the latest CVE content distributed by Red Hat. Integrating...

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

How to start with Containers and OpenShift for newcomers in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Petr Hracek

The document covers the initial steps that describe how to play with containers and OpenShift. The article was written together with Jiri Hornicek. Prerequisites For more information about installing containers i n RHEL, see Installation Guide - Red Hat Customer Portal Download OpenShift binaries from Releases - openshift/origin - GitHub . Extract the binaries to your / home / directory and copy them to the /usr/bin / directory : $ tar -xzvf <origin_tarball> # like openshift-origin-server-v1.3.1-dad658de7465ba8a234a4fb40b5b446a45a4cee1-linux-64bit.tar.gz $ cd <origin_dir_name> $...

Article Thumbnail

Imagine this - the life of an image

Matt (Stuempfle) Lyteson

Imagine this: deploy an application from code-commit to qa, validate through automated testing, and then push the same image into production with no manual intervention, no outage, no configuration changes, and with full audibility through change records. A month-and-a-half ago, we formed a tiger team and gave them less than 90 days to do it. How? Build an end-to-end CI/CD environment leveraging RHEL Atomic 7.1 as the core platform and integrating with key technologies like git, Jenkins, , in...