Kevin Buettner

Kevin Buettner's contributions

Featured image for: Instant replay: Debugging C and C++ programs with rr.

Debugging binaries invoked from scripts with GDB

Kevin Buettner

It's very common on Linux for a binary application to be invoked by a shell script. This article explains how you can debug such binaries using GDB.

Featured image for C/C++ language topics.

Printf-style debugging using GDB, Part 3

Kevin Buettner

Complete your introduction to using virtual print statements in the GDB debugger with tips for running program functions and automating GDB behavior.

Featured image for C-language topics.

Printf-style debugging using GDB, Part 2

Kevin Buettner

Learn how to use virtual print statements in the GDB debugger. This second article in the series shows how to save commands and output for later use.

Featured image for C-language topics.

Printf-style debugging using GDB, Part 1

Kevin Buettner

You can use the GDB debugger to understand program behavior without any source code changes. In Part 1, learn how to run virtual print statements.