Andrea Tarocchi

Opensource enthusiast since 2000, computer passionate since 8 years old (C64 and LOGO anyone?). After his graduation Andrea won a research grant on Application Integration, he worked in Healthcare industry, mostly solving integration problems with Apache camel, then moved to Red Hat through a number of roles: currently a Senior Software Engineer. Been lucky to work with and contribute to some great opensource project, like Apache Camel and Drools to mention a few.

Andrea Tarocchi's contributions

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Use Groovy to customize the Maven build process

Andrea Tarocchi

Maven plugins are used to enhance and customize the Maven build process, but it's common to need to tweak a build just a bit, which makes writing a whole plugin feel like overkill. This article presents a way to use the GMaven Plus plugin to tap into a Maven build and interact with it without the need to write an entire Maven plugin.