Things on my plate have finally settled down so I can complete the second part of this blog.  See Using STOMP for testing Red Hat Message Servers (Part 1 – HornetQ).

From downloading and starting the server I felt very confident in getting this to work quickly. I mean I had done the hard part already; writing the python script to produce/consume messages using STOMP. I was mistaken.

Prior to working on this, I did several labs creating topics publishing/consuming messages and everything was hunky-dory until I started working with fabric. Fabric is a neat tool that can turn the server from standalone broker to many brokers and allows for monitoring and configuration control of the servers, but if you're new to it like I am it can be a bit confusing how it all ties together.

I thought, "hey why not try and use fabric, it is just an abstraction on top of standalone and seems fairly straightforward." Now, it must be said again, that I am newb at A-MQ and anybody who has used it before would be able to point out my mistakes in a few minutes, but I ran into a slew of issues. The most important being that I couldn't get the stomp network connector to bind for a particular broker profile.

For the sake of completing this post, I chalked it up to my inexperience with fabric and started with a fresh install of A-MQ. Then after I made a few modifications to the standalone broker config a few minutes later I was in business publishing and consuming messages via my STOMP script.

To see a full set of instructions on set up visit my git page:

Last updated: April 5, 2018