As I mentioned here, Joe Mario and I delivered this session at Red Hat's Developer Exchange session in Boston.  There were a lot of great questions and we hope you'll find this video-recorded session useful.


Now that you followed all the steps to make your application NUMA-aware, how do you know if you got it right, or if you shifted your performance problem elsewhere?

In this session, Don and Joe will:

  • discuss initial high level steps to verify correct memory and cpu-process placement, including:
    • showing how performance can easily suffer with incorrect placement.
    • describing available options to correct placement.
  • discuss the open source tools, both available now and in development, which use the hardware's performance counters to more accurately pinpoint:
    • where your program is making costly remote NUMA memory accesses,
    • identifying if and where other programs are inflicting NUMA-related performance penalties on your program,
    • how much those remote accesses are hurting your performance.
  • discuss various approaches for resolving these low-level issues.

If you are somewhat new to NUMA programming, take a look at this 5-part video series:  Introduction to NUMA programming.  Just select the "Using NUMA" section.

We hope you enjoy this recorded session!

Last updated: April 5, 2018