
Red Hat Reactive Chief Architect

Clement Escoffier

Clement had several professional lives, from academic positions to management. Currently, he is mainly working as a Quarkus and Vert.x developer and is a Java Champion. He has been involved in projects and products touching many domains and technologies such as OSGi, mobile app development, continuous delivery, and DevOps. His main area of interest is software engineering—processes, methods, and tools that make the development of software more efficient and also more fun. Clement is an active contributor to many open source projects such as Apache Felix, iPOJO, Wisdom Framework, and Eclipse Vert.x, SmallRye, Eclipse MicroProfile, and Quarkus.

Clement Escoffier's contributions

SnowCamp conference

SnowCamp 2018 Trip Report

Clement Escoffier

Last week, Red Hat was present at the SnowCamp conference in Grenoble, France. The SnowCamp is a technical conference held in Grenoble and proposing a unique combination of deep dive sessions (universities), technical talks and a last day on the slopes.

JavaOne logo

The Reactive Landscape

Clement Escoffier

This year JavaOne 2017 is being held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA during October 1-5, I will be a holding a session for reactive programming covering The Reactive Landscape. In this session, I'm going to explain what does "reactive" mean. There are many reactive things today, are all these "things" related? In addition, many concepts are associated with reactive such as messaging, elasticity, streams back-pressure and RX. This presentation explores the reactive landscape and explains the different...

5 Things to Know About Reactive Programming

5 Things to Know About Reactive Programming

Clement Escoffier

Reactive , what an overloaded word. Many things turn out to become magically Reactive these days. In this post, we are going to talk about Reactive Programming , i.e. a development model structured around asynchronous data streams. I know you are impatient to write your first reactive application, but before doing it, there are a couple of things to know. Using reactive programming changes how you design and write your code. Before jumping on the train, it’s good to know...

Red Hat Wimplicit

Reactive Programming with Vert.x

Clement Escoffier

This is the second session, which I gave at Red Hat Summit; this was an exploration of what is behind the reactive trend. Software is fiction, every season we have a new collection, we all have to follow this and right now, it's reactive. I spoke about what reactive programming is and how it can be used to build responsive systems. We covered what is reactive programming, and why it's interesting to use it today when building microservices application. We...

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Live Coding Reactive Systems w/Eclipse Vert.x and OpenShift

Clement Escoffier

Do you know the battery level in your smartphone is controlled by reactive software; which is software that reacts to a set of external events, such as requests, failures, availability of services, etc? This was what I recently addressed as a slideless session consisting of pure, live coding at the Red Hat Summit this past May. The goal was to develop two microservices completely asynchronous focusing on responsiveness in 40 minutes running inside of OpenShift. I wanted to build a...

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Continuously Building a Book

Clement Escoffier

I’m thrilled to announce the availability of a mini-book about Eclipse Vert.x . This book focuses on the development of reactive microservices in Java and covers reactive systems and reactive programming. Writing a book, even for a mini-book is a tough task. While writing code and writing a book are very different experiences, you can apply the same process and good practice. I would like to list a couple of tips I’ve used to make the writing a bit easier...

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Eclipse Vert.x Core Cheat Sheet

Clement Escoffier

Eclipse Vert.x is a toolkit used to build reactive and distributed systems on the Java Virtual Machine. Vert.x supports a variety of languages letting you choose which one you’d prefer. The Vert.x Core cheat sheet covers the creation of a project using Apache Maven, Gradle or the Vert.x CLI, and references most common Vert.x Core APIs, in 3 different languages (Java, JavaScript, and Groovy). Forgot how to create an HTTP server, use the HTTP client, implement a request-response on the...