Stevan Le Meur

Product Manager

Stevan Le Meur

Stévan Le Meur is a Product Manager at Red Hat, working on developer tools. With a background as a developer, he is driven by the belief that great applications should be built in exceptional development environments. He brings this passion to his work, where his attention to detail is put to good use in creating great developer experiences.

Stevan Le Meur's contributions

Feature image for Podman Desktop

Working with Kubernetes in Podman Desktop

Stevan Le Meur

Get a tour of the Kubernetes capabilities offered in Podman Desktop, a versatile tool for managing containers and developing and testing Kubernetes applications.

Getting Started with Podman 1

Podman expands to the Desktop

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Learn about Podman Desktop, a GUI dedicated to managing containers and Kubernetes for application developers.

Kubernetes + OpenShift featured image

Announcing Service Binding Operator 1.0 GA

Stevan Le Meur

Get an overview of Service Binding Operator 1.0, which provides a reliable way to bind applications with REST APIs and other backing services.

Red Hat Developer image

Announcing Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 1.2

Stevan Le Meur

Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces version 1.2 provides a cloud developer workspace server and browser-based IDE built for teams and organizations.