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Excellent news - Red Hat has announced the general availability of Red Hat Software Collections 2.

You'll see considerable additions to support multiple language versions. For example, it includes updates to "Python 2.7, continues to support Python 3.3 and also adds Python 3.4 – providing a fully-supported language library and blending developer agility with production stability."

New Collections

Building upon an already robust selection of the latest, stable developer tools, Red Hat Software Collections 2 adds more than 10 new collections, including the aforementioned Python 3.4, PHP 5.6 and Passenger 4.0. See the whole list in this previous article.

Containerized Applications

"Red Hat Software Collections 2 makes Dockerfiles available for many of the most popular collections, including Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby, helping developers to “hit the ground running” when entering the world of Linux containers."

Red Hat Software Collections 2 users "also have access to the latest version of Red Hat Developer Toolset, a collection of more traditional C and C++ compilers and tools as well as the Eclipse IDE for a fully-realized application development portfolio, with use cases ranging from traditional applications to microservices."

See the entire list of supported components.

Read the entire press release.

Last updated: November 1, 2023